Simple calculation of 1.25 × 8.8

Simple calculation of 1.25 × 8.8


Simple calculation: 1.10 * 18.6 9.99 * 2.5 68 / 25 3.4 * 1.2-0.65 = = ==

3.4*1.2-0.65 =3.4*1+3.4*0.2-0.65=3.4+0.68-0.65=3.4+0.03=3.43

The ratio of simplification is 7:12 to 3:8.125 to 3:8

7 out of 12 to 3 out of 8
=7 / 12 × 24: 3 / 8 × 24
125 to 3 / 8
=1 in 8: 3 in 8

The absolute value of a rational number is ()
A. Positive number B. negative number C. non positive number D. non negative number

Rational number is divided into positive number, negative number and 0. So the absolute value of a rational number ≥ 0 is a non negative number

|A | has a non negative number and a minimum value of 0. If x is a rational number, does | X-1 | + | x-3 | have a minimum value? If so, please explain why

|Does X-1 | + | x-3 | have a minimum
There is a minimum at 1

No matter what rational numbers a and B take, the value of A2 + b2-8a + 14b + 75 must be positive, zero, negative or non negative

A positive number
Original formula = (A-4) ^ 2-16 + (B + 7) ^ 2-49 + 75

Given 3A + B + 2C = 3 and a + 3B + 2C = 1, find the value of 2A + C______ .

∵ 3A + B + 2C = 3, a + 3B + 2C = 1, ∵ 2a-2b = 2, A-B = 1, ∵ B = A-1, substituting 3A + B + 2C = 3, 3A + A-1 + 2C = 3, ∵ 4A + 2C = 4, ∵ 2A + C = 2

Division of integers (1) (2a & # 178; B & # 178; c) ^ 4 △ (- 2Ab & # 179; c) &# 178; =? Turn (2)! ↓
(2) In this paper, we will find the following: 4x ^ 5Y \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\?
Seek a complete solution

4x^5y³÷{x^4 y³÷[x³y÷(x³y²÷2xy²)]}
=4x^5y³÷{x^4 y³÷[x³y÷(½x²)]}
=4x^5y³÷{x^4 y³÷2xy}
simple form

Division of integers (- 2A) ^ 8 ^ [- (2a) & # 178;] - (2a) ^ 9 ^ (- 2A) & # 179;

Original formula = 256a ^ 8 ^ (- 4A & # 178;) - 512a ^ 9 ^ (- 8A & # 179;)

It's a process!

5 (3a & # 178; b-ab & # 178;) - (AB & # 178; - 3A & # 178; b) = 15A & # 178; b-5ab & # 178; - AB & # 178; + 3A & # 178; b = 18a & # 178; b-6ab & # 178;; please accept if you agree with my answer, please accept it in time, ~ if you agree with my answer, please click the [accept as satisfactory answer] button in time ~ ~ hand