12 out of 7 to 3 out of 4

12 out of 7 to 3 out of 4

12 out of 7 to 3 out of 4 = 48:21 = 16:7

Simple calculation of 3.4/12.5
3.4 divided by 12.5


Simple mathematical calculation: 9 / 5 × 25% + 1 / 4 × 2.2-0.5

5% 9 × 25% + 4% 1 × 2.2-0.5
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!

5 (3a-178; b-ab-178;) a (ab-178; + 3a-178; b), where a = 1 / 2, B = 1 / 3


5 (3a-178; b-ab-178;) - (ab-178; + 3a-178; b) where a = 189; b = 3 molecule 1


The result is reduced to the form (- 2A ^ - 2 × B ^ - 3) ^ - 3 × (AB ^ - 3) ^ - 2 with only positive integer exponential power


Mathematics problem (integer exponential power) 2
Given x + x ^ (- 1) = a,
Find x ^ 2 + x ^ (- 2) and x ^ 4 + x ^ (- 4)

x^2 + x^(-2)=(x+x^(-1))^2-2=a^2-2
x^4 +x^(-4)=(x^2+x^(-2))^2-2=(a^2-2)^2-2=a^4-2a^2+2

(integer exponential power)
Known p - P
X = 1 + 2, y = 1 + 2, where y is represented by X, the result is
2 an upper is to the power P and an upper is to the power (- P)


The result is reduced to the form (a ^ - 3) ^ - 2 ^ [A & # 179; B · (a ^ - 1B) ^ - 2]


(a ^ - 3) ^ - 2 △ [A & # 179; B · (a ^ - 1B) ^ - 2] is calculated and the result is reduced to the form containing only positive integer exponential power

The original formula = a ^ 6 ^ (A & # 179; b * A & # 178; / B & # 178;)