[17.45 - (5.13 + 7.07) * 0.25] [0.24 recursive equation calculation! Step by step!

[17.45 - (5.13 + 7.07) * 0.25] [0.24 recursive equation calculation! Step by step!

Original formula = (17.45-3.05) △ 0.24
If you think my answer is more satisfactory, because the adoption of the answer is the driving force for us to work tirelessly for it!

2 right 2 / 9 - (2 / 9 + 5 / 12), (2 / 17 + 1 / 13) × 17 × 39 recursive equation calculation, thank you

2 right 2 / 9 - (2 / 9 + 5 / 12)
=2 and 2 / 9-2 / 9-5 / 12
=1 and 7 / 12

7 / 11 × 7 / 8-5 / 12 × 7 / 11 -- 1 / 15 × 13 / 17-8 / 17 × 1 / 15
