Calculate (a-b-c) (B + C-A) &# 178; (C-A + b) &# 179; (1) calculation of (a-b-c) &; (B + C-A) &; (C-A + b) &; (C-A + b) &; ⑵(-x)²•(-x)³+2x•(-x)∧4-(-x)•x∧4 ⑶x•x∧(m-1)+x²•x∧(m-2)-3•x³•x∧(m-3)

Calculate (a-b-c) (B + C-A) &# 178; (C-A + b) &# 179; (1) calculation of (a-b-c) &; (B + C-A) &; (C-A + b) &; (C-A + b) &; ⑵(-x)²•(-x)³+2x•(-x)∧4-(-x)•x∧4 ⑶x•x∧(m-1)+x²•x∧(m-2)-3•x³•x∧(m-3)

⑴ (a-b-c)•(b+c-a)²•(c-a+b)³=-(a-b-c)^6;⑵(-x)²•(-x)³+2x•(-x)∧4-(-x)•x∧4=-x^5-2x^5+x^5=-2x^5;⑶x•x∧(m-1)+x²•x∧(m-2)-3•x...

Calculation of (a-b-c) (B + C-A) &# 178; (C-A + b) &# 179; process


1. The solution of the equation a (x + m) &# 178; + B = 0 is X1 = - 2, X2 = 1, then the solution of the equation a (x + m + 2) &# 178; + B is——
2. The turnover in January is 2 million yuan, and the total turnover in the first quarter is 10 million yuan. If the average annual growth rate is x, the equation should be——

1) Let x + 2 = y, then equation a (x + m + 2) & #178; + B becomes a (y + m) ^ 2 + B = 0, because the solution of equation a (x + m) & #178; + B = 0 is X1 = - 2, X2 = 1, so the solution of equation a (y + m) & #178; + B = 0 is Y1 = - 2, y2 = 1, when Y1 = - 2, that is, x + 2 = - 2, the solution is X1 = - 4, when y2 = 1, that is, x + 2 = 1, the solution is