A person of 80 meters stands in front of the plane mirror. The height of his image in the mirror () the distance between people and images () if he walks forward 0.2 meters, the distance between people and images For () Fill in the blanks and explain

A person of 80 meters stands in front of the plane mirror. The height of his image in the mirror () the distance between people and images () if he walks forward 0.2 meters, the distance between people and images For () Fill in the blanks and explain

The distance between human and mirror is equal to the distance between image and mirror
The height of a person is 1.8m, so the image is 1.8m high. The distance between a person and the mirror is 2m, and the distance between an image and the mirror is 2m, so the distance between a person and the image is 4m. The distance between a person and the mirror is 1.8m, and the distance between an image and the mirror is 1.8m, so the distance between an image and a person is 3.6m

How many such bars can be produced by forging a 20 cm square steel bar into a 10 cm long, 5 cm wide and 5 cm high rectangular bar?

20 × 20 × 20 / 10 / 5 / 5 = 32

A cube billet with 10 cm edge length can be forged into a cuboid steel with 5 cm height and width?

10 × 10 × 10 ^ (5 × 5) = 1000 ^ 25 = 40 (CM). A: the forged cuboid steel is 40 cm long

How many boxes do you need to build a 12 cm cube with 3 cm cube blocks

Cube of (12 △ 3)
=Cube of 4

How many cubes do you need to build a cube with an edge length of 12 cm from a cube with an edge length of 3 cm

Build a large cube with 8 cube blocks with 2cm long edges. What is the volume of the large cube?

The volume of a small cube is 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 cubic centimeter
Large cube volume = 8 × 8 = 64 cm3

A cuboid carton is 6 decimeters long, 4 decimeters wide and 5 decimeters high. If you put 2 decimeters long square volume wood into the carton, you can pack () pieces at most

The maximum capacity is = (6 / 2) * (4 / 2) * [(5-1) / 2] = 12 pieces

A cuboid box, measured from the inside, is 8 decimeters long and 4 decimeters high,
How many can you put at most?

5 △ 2 = 2 (tailing method)
Up to 4 × 2 × 2 = 16

The edge length is a cube of 4 decimeters. How many cube building blocks of 1 cubic decimeter is it made of? What's its volume?

It is made of 16 cube building blocks of 1 cubic decimeter
The volume is: 4x4x4 = 64 cubic decimeters
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The cube with the edge length of 3 decimeters is made of several cubic decimeter cube building blocks. What is its volume

The edge length is 3 decimeters, and its volume is the third power of the edge length, which is 27 cubic decimeters, so it is made up of 27 building blocks with a volume of 1 cubic decimeter