The toy factory produced 2500 more children's toys in May than in April, 4 / 5 more. How many children's toys did the toy factory produce in April? Mingzhu power plant burned 24000 tons of coal in October, 1 / 4 less than that in September. How many tons of coal was burned in September?

The toy factory produced 2500 more children's toys in May than in April, 4 / 5 more. How many children's toys did the toy factory produce in April? Mingzhu power plant burned 24000 tons of coal in October, 1 / 4 less than that in September. How many tons of coal was burned in September?

2500 divided by 4 / 5, the result is exactly the quantity in April, and the result is 3125 pieces. Second, you can do the standard quantity in September, which is 1,1 minus 1 / 4 to get 3 / 4, and then 2.4 divided by 3 / 4 to get 3.2 tons, which is the quantity in September

The toy factory will produce 3000 sets of children's toys and 250 sets in the first five days. According to this calculation, how many days will it take to complete the task?

It will take X days
It will take 60 days
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The toy factory will produce 3000 sets of children's toys and 250 sets in the first five days. According to this calculation, how many days will it take to complete the task?

It takes X days
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A toy factory received an order to produce 2400 pieces of children's toys. If the toys were produced by the first workshop, they would be finished in time
If the workshop produces this batch of documents, there are 4000 pieces left to be finished within the specified time. It is known that workshop 1 and workshop 2 produce 550 toys a day. How many pieces do workshop 1 and workshop 2 produce each day?
There are 400 pieces to go, not 4000

The number of questions should be 24000, but the number of workshop is 400
The difference between the two workshops is 400
2400 + (2400-400) = 4400 divided by 550 = 8 days
The production period is 8 days
One workshop 2400 divided by 8 = 300 per day
Workshop 2 2400-400 = 2000 except 8 = 250 per day

A toy factory received an order to produce 2400 pieces of children's toys. If the toys were produced by the first workshop, they would be finished just in time;
If this batch of toys is produced by workshop 2, then 400 pieces are not finished within the specified time. As a result, workshop 1 and workshop 2 produce a total of 550 pieces of toys every day. How many pieces are produced by workshop 1 and workshop 2 every day? Use fractional equation to solve the problem!

If the specified time is x and the average number of toys produced in workshop 1 is y, then the number of toys produced in workshop 2 is 550-y. the equation can be expressed as: 2400 △ y = x (2400 - 400) △ 550 - y = X. solving the equation, we can get x = 8y = 300

At least 8 small cube blocks of the same size are needed to build a larger cube
Judge and explain the reason

Yes, because it's impossible to make one, it's 2x2x2 = 8

It has 60 cube blocks of the same size. Use these blocks to make the largest cube, and () blocks are left

Is it solid? This is very important. Solid should be a 3 * 3 * 3 square. It's hard to say if there are gaps

It is small and has 60 cube blocks of the same size. How many blocks are left when you stack these blocks into the largest cube?

The largest cube needs 27 blocks
What's left
60-27 = 33 (pieces)

A large cube with red paint on its surface is sawn into 64 small building blocks of the same size. Among these small building blocks, how many are painted on three sides? Two sides
How many pieces are painted? How many pieces are painted on one side?

There are eight on three sides
There's 24 on both sides
There's 24 on one side
There are eight without red paint

Two cube shaped building blocks of the same size. The sum of the numbers written on the two opposite faces of each cube is equal to - 1. Now the two cubes are placed side by side. The numbers on the five visible faces are shown in the figure, while the sum of the numbers on the seven invisible faces is equal to - 1______ .

Since the sum of the numbers written on the two opposite faces of a cube is - 1, the sum of the numbers written on the six faces of each cube is - 3. The sum of the numbers written on the twelve faces of the two cubes is - 6, and the sum of the numbers written on the five visible faces is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15. Therefore, the sum of the numbers written on the seven invisible faces is (- 6) - 15 = - 21