The side area of a cylinder is 200 square centimeters, the bottom radius is 3 centimeters, the surface area of the cylinder is (), and the volume is ()

The side area of a cylinder is 200 square centimeters, the bottom radius is 3 centimeters, the surface area of the cylinder is (), and the volume is ()

The side area of a cylinder is 200 square centimeters, the bottom radius is 3 centimeters, the surface area of the cylinder is (256.52) square centimeters, and the volume is (300) cubic centimeters

The side area of a cylinder is 18.84cm2, and the perimeter of its bottom is 6.28cm. What is the surface area of the cylinder?

Idea: surface area = side area + 2 bottom area. If the side area is known, only the bottom area is required. According to s circle = π R & # 178;, the radius is required, which is solved by perimeter C = 2 π R
Bottom radius: 6.28 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 1
Bottom area: 3.14 * 1 * 1 = 3.14
Surface area: 18.84 + 2 * 3.14 = 18.84 + 6.28 = 25.12cm & # 178;

The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylinder is 18.84 cm and the height is 4.5 cm. How many square meters is the surface area of the cylinder?

The bottom radius of this cylinder is 18.84 / (3.14 * 2) = 3cm
The surface area of this cylinder
=The bottom area of the two cylinders + the side area of the cylinder
=141.3 square centimeters