Make a cuboid frame with 120cm iron wire. The ratio of length to width to height is 3:2:1. What are the length, width and height of the cuboid? What are the surface area and volume To write a detailed sub title!

Make a cuboid frame with 120cm iron wire. The ratio of length to width to height is 3:2:1. What are the length, width and height of the cuboid? What are the surface area and volume To write a detailed sub title!

The sum of cuboid's length, width and height is
120 △ 4 = 30 (CM)
Long is
30 ÷ (3 + 2 + 1) × 3 = 15 (CM)
Kuan Shi
30 ÷ (3 + 2 + 1) × 2 = 10 (CM)
Gao Shi
30 ÷ (3 + 2 + 1) × 1 = 5 (CM)
What is the surface area
(15 × 10 + 15 × 5 + 10 × 5) × 2 = 550 (cm2)
The volume is
15 × 10 × 5 = 750 (cm3)

Make a cuboid frame with 120cm iron wire. The ratio of length, width and height is 3:2:1. What are the dimensions of the cuboid

The length of iron wire is 120cm, which means that the sum of all the edges of a cuboid is 120cm. There are 12 edges in the cuboid, with 4 edges in length, width and height. Therefore, the sum of length, width and height is 120 / 4 = 30cm, and the ratio of length, width and height is 3:2:13 + 2 + 1 = 6, length = 3 / 6 * 30 = 15cm, width = 2 / 6 * 30 = 10cm, height = 1 / 6 * 30 = 5cm. The volume is 15 ×

Use a 96cm long wire to make a cuboid frame. The ratio of length to width and height is 5:4:3. What's the volume of the cuboid?

Length + width + height = 96 △ 4 = 24cm
Length = 24 × 5 / 12 = 10 cm
Width = 24 × 4 / 12 = 8 cm
H = 24 × 3 / 12 = 6cm
Volume = 10 × 8 × 6 = 480 CC