There is a cube and a cuboid to form a new cuboid. The surface area of the new cuboid is increased by 40 square centimeters, and the surface area of the spherical cube is increased by 40 square centimeters? Such as the title

There is a cube and a cuboid to form a new cuboid. The surface area of the new cuboid is increased by 40 square centimeters, and the surface area of the spherical cube is increased by 40 square centimeters? Such as the title

As you can see from the meaning of the title, after the new cuboid is put together, four new faces are added, and then one face is a cuboid
40 △ 4 = 10 square centimeter
A cube has six equal faces,
Therefore, the surface area of the cube is 10 × 6 = 60 square centimeters

The surface area of a cuboid is 350 square meters. The surface area of a cuboid is 350 square meters___ Square meters

The surface area of a cube: 350 ^ (6 × 3-4), = 350 ^ 14, = 25 (square meters); the surface area of each cube: 25 × 6 = 150 (square meters); answer: the surface area of a cube is 150 square meters. So the answer is: 150

Take three equal cubes. The surface area of the cube is 350 square meters. What's the surface area of the square?

The cuboid consists of 3 × 6-4 = 14 bottom surfaces
So the bottom area is 350 △ 14 = 25
A: the surface area of this square is 150 square meters