A sun dried cone-shaped wheat pile has a bottom circumference of 25.12 meters, a height of 0.5 meters, and a weight of 750 kg per cubic meter of wheat, How many kilos of flour can this pile of wheat produce?

A sun dried cone-shaped wheat pile has a bottom circumference of 25.12 meters, a height of 0.5 meters, and a weight of 750 kg per cubic meter of wheat, How many kilos of flour can this pile of wheat produce?

Bottom radius = 25.12 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 4m
Volume = 4 × 4 × 3.14 × 0.5 × 1 / 3 ≈ 8.37 M3
Mass = 8.37 × 750 = 6277.5kg
Flour = 6277.5 × 81% ≈ 5085 kg

: a cone-shaped wheat pile has a circumference of 18.84 cm at the bottom and a height of 2 meters. It is known that each cubic meter of wheat weighs 0.75 tons. How many tons of wheat are there in this pile?
A cone-shaped wheat pile is 18.84 meters in circumference at the bottom and 2 meters in height. It is known that each cubic meter of wheat weighs 0.75 tons. How many tons are there in this pile?

Bottom radius is 18.84cm / (2x3.14) = 3cm = 0.03m, cone volume = 1 / 3x3.14x0.03 ^ 2x2 = 0.001884m3
This pile of wheat is 0.001884x0.75 = 0.001413 tons

A cone-shaped wheat pile has a circumference of 6.28m at the bottom, a height of 1.2m, and a weight of 0.75T per cubic meter of wheat. How many tons are there in the pile

Radius = 6.28/3.14/2 = 1m
Bottom area = 1x1x3.14 = 3.14m2
Volume = 3.14x1.2/3 = 1.256 M3
Weight = 1.256x0.75 = 0.942 tons
A: this pile of wheat is 0.942 tons