Can C02 gas shielded welding weld stainless steel? The base metal is 301 stainless steel, 3mm. With pure argon and 306 stainless steel solid wire, the weld is blackened and the surface is not bright. The main purpose is to make the weld surface bright and not blackened. What process should be used to weld? How can the voltage and current be adjusted? Can pure argon be used? Why can't it be used? Some people who have done this line or are doing this line come in to explain,

Can C02 gas shielded welding weld stainless steel? The base metal is 301 stainless steel, 3mm. With pure argon and 306 stainless steel solid wire, the weld is blackened and the surface is not bright. The main purpose is to make the weld surface bright and not blackened. What process should be used to weld? How can the voltage and current be adjusted? Can pure argon be used? Why can't it be used? Some people who have done this line or are doing this line come in to explain,

Welding machine with pulse to 300 or 350 solid welding wire 1.0 or 1.2, welding current 110A, welding voltage 19v or so, according to the specific joint form adjustment. If any thickness plate has, then use almost the maximum voltage, maximum current start, do not move the current to adjust the voltage, or do not move the voltage to adjust the current weld

Welding technique of CO2 gas shielded vertical welding
Specific operation method,

Can the current and voltage be adjusted? If it can be adjusted, the current should be slightly lower in vertical welding [compared with flat welding, of course, it depends on personal ability] you need to know one thing: what is the right current and voltage? The so-called right current and voltage is that when the welding wire comes out, the voltage can fully dissolve it. On the basis of the right current and voltage in vertical welding, the voltage should be slightly higher than the right value
1: Clean the vertical welding position {pay attention to grease, positioning flux slag and water}
2: To know the size of the welding corner to be welded, first burn a standard welding corner according to the size of the welding corner. Note that high quality welding must be from the bottom to the top!
3: Start the arc on one side of the standard welding angle. When the welding wire swings left and right, pay attention not to exceed the range of the molten pool {formed by fully dissolving the welding wire}. When the welding wire swings left and right, pause on both sides. The length of time depends on the welding angle, If the welding angle is too large, multiple welding is recommended. Generally, it is easy to weld under the first small spot. If the welding angle is too large, the thickness is not enough and it is difficult to see, and it is easy to bulge on both sides. When swinging from left to right, it is necessary to control the rhythm and weld slowly upward
4: There are many ways to go through the positioning point. Here are two
1: Direct transition method, pay attention to the requirements of personal mastery ability is very high, when welding to the positioning point, directly swing up to burn, pay attention to the hand should be fast, don't stay in the middle, natural transition is good, both sides stay time depends on personal mastery
2: Spot welding transition method, when welding to the positioning point, stop to swing left and right for 2 times as a back and forth, spot welding transition until the past positioning point, continue welding
5: At the end of welding, if there is molten pool, spot welding must be done to fill it up
6: If it is arc climbing welding and vertical welding, if the welding angle is very small, you can pick it up directly without swinging. The technical requirements are a little high
7: The above is a personal summary of high-quality vertical welding. If the requirements are low, you can also reverse flow. But I have to say: "if the technology is low, you may feel that the requirements of that method are not high, but if I say reverse flow, you can see a person's welding technology
If you can, please add more points. If you don't understand, please add my friend. I'm glad to help you

Can CO2 gas shielded welding machine weld aluminum

No, it is very easy for oxidizing gas to react with aluminum alloy