Simplification: (- 2A) × a - (- 2A) & # - 178; the result is a.0 b.2a & # - 178; C. - 6A & # - 178; D. - 4A & # - 178

Simplification: (- 2A) × a - (- 2A) & # - 178; the result is a.0 b.2a & # - 178; C. - 6A & # - 178; D. - 4A & # - 178

Choose C
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a²+b²=( )²-2ab=( )²+2ab

a²+b²=(a+b )²-2ab=(a-b )²+2ab

1. When 2 = 2, B = 3, a = - 2, B = 3 and a = - 2, B = - 3, the values of a & # 178; - 2Ab + B & # 178; and (a-b) &# 178; are calculated respectively
2. According to the above calculation results, what is the relationship between the size of a & # 178; - 2Ab + B & # 178
3. Using the law you found, find the value of 12.57 & # 178; - 2 × 12.57 + 2.57 & # 178

The result is a & # 178; - 2Ab + B & # 178; = (a-b) &# 178;, it's time for the rest,