A cuboid swimming pool is 20 meters long, 18 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep. If the walls and bottom are plastered with cement, how many square meters is the area plastered with cement You have to be right

A cuboid swimming pool is 20 meters long, 18 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep. If the walls and bottom are plastered with cement, how many square meters is the area plastered with cement You have to be right

20 × 18 + (20 × 2.5 + 18 × 2.5) × 2 = 550 (M2)

A cuboid swimming pool is 20 meters long, 18 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep. If the walls and bottom are plastered with cement, how many square meters is the area of cement
If you need 10 tiles per square meter, at least how many?

A cuboid swimming pool is 20 meters long, 18 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep. If the four walls and the bottom are plastered with cement, how many square meters is the area of cement?
=550 square meters
If you need 10 tiles per square meter, at least how many?
10 × 550 = 5500 pieces

Cuboid swimming pool is 50 meters long, 30 meters wide and 1.2 meters deep. Put a layer of cement on each surface of the swimming pool. How many square meters is the area of cement

(50 + 30) * 2 * 1.2 + 50 * 30 = 1692 square meters
A: the area of cement is 1692 square meters

A cuboid swimming pool is 20 meters long, 18 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep. The four walls and the bottom are plastered with cement. What is the area of plastering cement? How many cubic meters of water can the swimming pool hold at most?

Area to be plastered with cement
=550 (M2)
The swimming pool can hold up to water
20 × 18 × 2.5 = 900 (M3)

A cuboid swimming pool is 20 meters long, 18 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep. If the walls and bottom are plastered with cement, how many square meters is the area to be plastered with cement?

What grade

The circumference of the bottom surface of a conical sand pile is 18.84m, and the weight of rice is about 0.6 tons per cubic meter. How many tons does this pile of rice weigh

18.84 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 3M
14 × 3 & # 178; × 3 △ 3 × 0.6 = 16.956 tons

There is a cone-shaped pile on the threshing ground. Xiao Cong measured that the circumference of the bottom is 18.84 meters and the height is 1.5 meters. My father said that the weight of rice is about 1.5 meters per cubic meter
My father said that every cubic meter of rice weighs about 600 kg. XiaoCong told my father that there are more than 8 tons of rice in this pile. Is XiaoCong's calculation correct? (formula calculation)

The perimeter of the bottom of the pile is 18.84 meters
The bottom radius of the pile is 18.84 △ 2 × 3.14 = 3M
The bottom area of gudui is 3.14 × 3-178; = 28.26 square meters
The volume of grain pile is (1 / 3) × 28.26 × 1.5 = 14.13 cubic meters
The weight of grain pile is 14.13 × 600 = 8478 kg, 8.478 tons
Xiao Cong is right

A cone-shaped rice pile is 2m high and 18.84m long. If the weight of rice is 630kg per cubic meter, how many kg does the pile weigh?

Bottom radius = 18.84 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 3M
Volume = 3 × 3 × 3.14 × 2 × 1 / 3 = 18.84 cm3
Mass = 18.84 × 630 = 11869.2kg

There is a rice grain store with a cone on the top and a cylinder on the bottom. The circumference of the cylinder is 9.42 meters, and the height of the cone is 0.6 meters,
Find the volume of this grain store

Radius of cylinder bottom: 9.42 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 1.5m
Cylinder volume: 3.14x1.5x1.5x2 = 14.13m3
Cone volume: 1 / 3x3.14x1.5x1.5x0.6 = 1.413m3
The volume of this grain store: 14.13 + 1.413 = 15.543 cubic meters

The perimeter of the bottom surface of a cylindrical granary is 25.12m. What is the volume of the cylindrical granary?

The bottom radius is 25.12 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 4m
Volume: 3.14 × 4 × 4 × 3 = 150.72 (M3)