Cut the largest square from a rectangular sheet of iron 14 decimeters long and 8 decimeters wide. What is the area of this square sheet of iron

Cut the largest square from a rectangular sheet of iron 14 decimeters long and 8 decimeters wide. What is the area of this square sheet of iron

The square iron sheet has an area of 64 square decimeters

Cut the largest circle from a rectangular sheet of iron 15dm long and 12dm wide. What is the area of the remaining sheet?

15 × 12-3.14 × (12 △ 2) 2, = 180-3.14 × 36, = 180-113.04, = 66.96 (square decimeter), a: the area of the remaining sheet iron after cutting is 66.96 square decimeter

Uncle Li made a rectangular trough of iron sheet, 2 meters long, 5 decimeters wide and 2 decimeters high
1. In order to prevent rust, the inside and outside of the sink should be painted with antirust paint. The cost of painting antirust paint is 16 yuan per square meter. How much is the total cost?
2. How many liters of water can this sink hold at most?

Surface area of sink = 2 × 0.5 + 2 × (2 × 0.2 + 0.5 × 0.2)
=2 square meters
Both inside and outside are painted with antirust paint
2 × 2 × 16 = 64 yuan
That's 64 yuan
Tank volume = 20 × 5 × 2 = 200 cubic decimeter = 200 liter