If the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle is a, then its area is?

If the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle is a, then its area is?

If it is an isosceles right triangle, the hypotenuse is a, then the hypotenuse on the hypotenuse is changed to a / 2
The area is 1 / 2 * A81 / 2A = A & sup2 / 4

If the bottom of a triangle is increased by 3cm and the height remains unchanged, the area will be increased by 12cm

If the original triangle is removed, it will be a triangle with a base of 3cm and an area of 12cm2
12 times 2 divided by 3
It's 24 divided by 3
It's 8 cm
I see. The bottom is 8cm

Triangle area is 12.6 square centimeter, height is 3cm, how much is the bottom
I don't have time. My mom's going to hit me

The area of a triangle is equal to the base × height △ 2
So the bottom = 12.6 △ 3 △ 2 = 2.1 cm
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