It is known that the circumference of the semicircle is 51.4cm. How many centimeters is the diameter and how many square centimeters is the area of the semicircle

It is known that the circumference of the semicircle is 51.4cm. How many centimeters is the diameter and how many square centimeters is the area of the semicircle

Using the formula of semicircle circumference: 51.4 / (3.14 + 2) = 10 cm (radius)
10 * 2 = 20 cm (diameter)
A: the diameter of this semicircle is 20 cm
Area: 10 * 10 * 3.14/2 = 157 square centimeters
A: the area is 157 square centimeters

10. The diameter of a semicircle is 6cm, its circumference is () cm, and its area is () square cm

Perimeter: 6 × 3.14 = 18.84cm
Radius: 6 △ 2 = 3
Area: 3 × 3 × 3.14 = 28.26 square centimeter
The diameter of a semicircle is 6 cm, its perimeter is (18.84) cm, and its area is (28.26) square cm

A semicircle with a diameter of 4cm, its circumference is (), its area is ()

Perimeter: 4x3.14 = 12.56 (decimeter)
Area: 4 / 2 = 2 (decimeter) 2x2x3.14 = 12.56 (square decimeter)

A semicircle with a diameter of 10 cm, its circumference is () how many cm, and its area is () square cm?

3.14 * (10 / 2) m2 / 2 = 39.25

A semicircle with a diameter of 2 decimeters has a circumference of () decimeters and an area of () square decimeters

A semicircle with a diameter of 2 decimeters has a circumference of (5.14) decimeters and an area of (1.57) square decimeters

What is the circumference of a semicircle with a diameter of 10 decimeters

10 times 3.14

A semicircle with a diameter of 4 decimeters. What is its perimeter? What is its area?


What is the area and perimeter of a semicircle with a diameter of 4cm?

Area = 3.14x (4 △ 2) &# 178; = 12.56 square centimeter
Perimeter = 3.14x4 = 12.56cm

The diameter of a circle is 4 decimeters, and its circumference is______ The area is______ .

3.14 × 4 = 12.56 (decimeter) 3.14 × (4 △ 2) 2 = 12.56 (square decimeter) answer: its perimeter is 12.56 decimeter, and its area is 12.56 square decimeter. So the answer is: 12.56 decimeter; 12.56 square decimeter

The diameter of a circle is 6 decimeters. What is its perimeter? What is its area?

The diameter of a circle is 6 decimeters, its perimeter is 18.84 decimeters, and its area is 28.26 square decimeters