If the inner and outer centers of a triangle coincide, then the triangle is, and the ratio of the radius of its circumscribed circle to the radius of its inscribed circle is

If the inner and outer centers of a triangle coincide, then the triangle is, and the ratio of the radius of its circumscribed circle to the radius of its inscribed circle is

Equilateral triangle, radius ratio is 2:1
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If the length of an equilateral triangle ABC is known to be 4cm, the radius of its circumcircle is____ Radius of inscribed circle_____

The radius of circumscribed circle is (4 √ 3) / 3, and that of inscribed circle is (2 √ 3) / 3

Triangle ABC, ab = 6, AC = 8, angle cab = 60, find the triangle circumcircle radius

BC = √ 52 (cosine theorem), s ⊿ ABC = 12 √ 2,
Radius of circumscribed circle o = A / 2sina = √ 52 / √ 3 ≈ 4.163