Fill 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 60 in the circle below to make the product of three numbers on each side of the triangle equal

Fill 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 60 in the circle below to make the product of three numbers on each side of the triangle equal

The picture is as follows: (the answer is not unique)

Fill 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 60 in the circle below to make the product of three numbers on each side of the triangle equal

The picture is as follows: (the answer is not unique)

CAD draws an equilateral triangle with 100 sides and draws 15 circles in the triangle
A circle is tangent to adjacent lines, and each circle has the same radius

First, draw 15 circles that are tangent to each other. The size is one to one. Pay attention to be tangent. You can draw from the bottom up, first draw 5 circles, and then draw 4 circles. You can draw like this. Enter C & nbsp;, select t (tangent, tangent, radius), so that each circle is tangent, and then draw the sideline. (note that only tangent capture is selected in object capture) draw a straight line