It is known that the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16 cm, and the length of one side is 5 cm

It is known that the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16 cm, and the length of one side is 5 cm

Two possibilities
5cm is the bottom or two waist
If it's the bottom
Then the other two waist is (16-5) / 2 = 5.5
The other two sides are 5.5
If it's a waist
The other waist is also 5
Then the bottom edge is 16-5-5 = 6
The other two sides are 6 and 5

As shown in the figure, we know that the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 16, and the height of its bottom edge is 4

Let BD = x, then AB = 8-x. from Pythagorean theorem, we can get AB2 = BD2 + ad2, that is, (8-x) 2 = x2 + 42, ∧ x = 3, ∧ AB = AC = 5, BC = 6

It is known that the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16: (1) if one side is 4, find the length of the other two sides; (2) if one side is 6, find the length of the other two sides
(3)_ If the length of three sides is an integer, find the length of each side of the triangle
Is that not true? 12 questions

(1) The other two sides are: 6,6
Note: 4,4,8 can't form triangle
(2) : 6,4, or, 5,5
(3) It can be: 4,6,6, or 5,5,6, or 7,7,2,