If the perimeter of triangle ABC is 8 and all three sides are natural numbers, what is the area of triangle ABC

If the perimeter of triangle ABC is 8 and all three sides are natural numbers, what is the area of triangle ABC

8 can only be 3 + 3 + 2. It's an isosceles triangle
The bottom edge is 2, the height on the bottom edge is 2, the root sign is 2 (Pythagorean theorem can be found)
Area = 2 * 2 root sign 2 △ 2 = 2 root sign 2

If the other two sides are natural numbers, the perimeter of RT triangle is
If the other two sides of a RT triangle are natural numbers, the perimeter of the RT triangle is a121 B120 c132 D. It is impossible to determine (definitely not b) the process OK?

Let a hypotenuse be a, let a right angle be B, A-B = 11 (a + b) (a-b) = 121, 121 can be decomposed into 11 × 11 or 1 × 121, so a + B = 11, A-B = 11, i.e. a = 11, B = 0 is not appropriate, or a + B = 121, A-B = 1, i.e. a = 61, B = 60, so the perimeter is a + B + 11 = 132

RT triangle a right angle side length is 12, the other two sides are natural numbers, find his circumference
There is only one answer
A36 B28 C56 D cannot be determined
It can't be d. our teacher said it

A. The one upstairs has said that there are three possible ways to make it up
The first type has a circumference of 30, which is not available
The second is 36, a
The third girth is 48. There is no such option
So the answer is a