The area of a triangle is 15.5 m2, and the area of a parallelogram with the same base and height is () CM & sup2 A、31 B、7.75 C、30 D、32

The area of a triangle is 15.5 m2, and the area of a parallelogram with the same base and height is () CM & sup2 A、31 B、7.75 C、30 D、32

The answer is a
The area of a parallelogram with equal base and height is twice that of a triangle

It is known that the area of a parallelogram is 30cm2. What is the area of a triangle with the same height as its bottom? If the bottom of the triangle is 12cm, its height is ()?

The area is 15mc2 and the height is 2.5cm

The area of a triangle with a base of 12cm is equal to that of a square with a side of 18cm. What is the height of the triangle?

=54 cm
The height of a triangle is 54 centimeters