The length of three sides of a triangle is 12cm, which is equal to the circumference cm of a square. The side length of the square is () cm, and the area is () square cm emergency

The length of three sides of a triangle is 12cm, which is equal to the circumference cm of a square. The side length of the square is () cm, and the area is () square cm emergency

The length of three sides of a triangle is 12cm, which is equal to the perimeter of a square. The side length of the square is (9) cm, and the area is (81) square cm

The area of a parallelogram is 12cm and 178; the area of a triangle with the same base and height is ()

The area of a parallelogram is 12cm and 178; the area of a triangle with the same base and height as it is (6cm 2)

The trapezoid bottom is 4cm, add a triangle with 3cm bottom and 3cm2 area to form a parallelogram ladder


As shown in the figure, the area of triangle ABO is 9 square centimeters, the length of line Bo is 3 times of OD, and the area of trapezoid ABCD is more than 1

Triangle area = 1 / 2 * bottom * high bottom, Bo = 3Do → s △ ABO = 3S △ ADO = 9, s △ cod = 3S △ AOD = 9
If the trapezoidal upper bottom is parallel to the lower bottom, then ad ‖ BC → AO / CO = Bo / AO = 3, CO = 3AO
S trapezoid ABCD = sum of area of four triangles = 3 + 9 + 9 + 27 = 48