It is known that the area of a trapezoid is 18 square centimeters, its upper bottom is 4 or 5 centimeters, and its lower bottom is 5.5 centimeters. How many centimeters is its height?

It is known that the area of a trapezoid is 18 square centimeters, its upper bottom is 4 or 5 centimeters, and its lower bottom is 5.5 centimeters. How many centimeters is its height?

Let the height be x centimeters
10 x=36

The area of a trapezoid is 2.4 square centimeter, the upper bottom is 1.3 centimeter, and the lower bottom is 1.9 centimeter

Let height be xcm. 0.5x (1.3 + 1.9) = 2.4, and the solution is X=

The length of the upper bottom of the trapezoid is 2, the length of the lower bottom is 8, and the diagonal length is 8 and 6 respectively?

Make a vertical line from the two ends of the upper bottom, the height is h, the bottom of the left triangle is x, and the bottom of the right triangle is y
The solution is x = 4.4, y = 1.6, H = 4.8
S trapezoid = (2 + 8) x4.8 △ 2 = 24