Area of parallelogram=______ The letters are______ . area of triangle=______ The letters are______ .

Area of parallelogram=______ The letters are______ . area of triangle=______ The letters are______ .

The area of parallelogram = bottom × height, expressed by letters as s = ah; the area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2, expressed by letters as s = ah △ 2. So the answer is: bottom × height, s = ah; bottom × height △ 2, s = ah △ 2

The area of a triangle is equal to half that of a parallelogram of equal height and equal ground


The area of a parallelogram is equal to the area of a triangle, and the area of a triangle is equal to the area of a parallelogram

The area of a parallelogram is equal to twice the area of a triangle, and the area of a triangle is equal to half the area of a parallelogram

Area of parallelogram=______ The letters are______ . area of triangle=______ The letters are______ .

The area of parallelogram = bottom × height, expressed by letters as s = ah; the area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2, expressed by letters as s = ah △ 2. So the answer is: bottom × height, s = ah; bottom × height △ 2, s = ah △ 2

It is ()
A. Midline B. high C. angle bisector D. none of the above

According to the equal area of triangles with equal base and height, a triangle can be divided into two parts with equal area, which is the middle line

Why are the two areas divided by a straight line passing through the intersection of the two middle lines of a triangle equal

Let ABC, e and f be the midpoint of AB and AC, EF = BC / 2, the intersection o of the two midlines, and make Mn ∥ BC through O, intersect AB and AC at m, n △ ABC, △ EFO and, △ BOC bottom edge BC, EF and BC are h, H1, h2ef / BC = H1 / h2 = 2, H1 = (H2 + H1 / 3 = H / 6), so the height of △ amn bottom edge Mn is H 3 = H / 2 + H / 6 = 2H / 3 ∥

Can a middle line of a triangle divide a triangle into two parts of equal area?

Because a middle line of a triangle can divide the bottom of the triangle into two equal parts, and the height is equal
So a middle line of a triangle can divide the triangle into two triangles of equal area

Why can the three middle lines of a triangle divide a triangle into six equal parts

Because the proportion of the central line segment is 2:1

What is the inverse proposition of the proposition "the middle line on one side of a triangle divides the triangle into two parts of equal area"?

A line that divides a triangle into two equal parts is the center line of one side of the triangle

Why can the three middle lines of a triangle divide a triangle into three triangles of equal area?

Each center line bisects the area (equal base and same height),
But the three middle lines do not divide the triangle into three triangles of equal area
A triangle can be divided into four equal parts by connecting the middle points of three sides