A square nursery covers an area of 1 hectare. If the side length of the nursery is increased by 100 meters, how many hectares will the nursery area be increased?

A square nursery covers an area of 1 hectare. If the side length of the nursery is increased by 100 meters, how many hectares will the nursery area be increased?

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1 hectare = 10000 square meters = 100 meters * 100 meters (100 meters is the side length of a square);
Now the length of each side is increased by 100 meters, that is, the new side length of the square is 100 meters + 100 meters = 200 meters;
The area after side length change is 200m * 200m = 40000 M2 = 4 ha;
The nursery area is increased to 4 ha - 1 ha = 3 ha

A square nursery covering an area of 1 hectare, the length of each side is extended by 200 meters, how many hectares of nursery area will be increased?

1 ha = 10000 M2
The side length is 100 meters
Area increase 300x300-100x100 = 90000-10000 = 80000 square meters = 8 hectares

A square with a side length of 100 meters has an area of 10000 square meters, which is 1 hectare. A square with a side length of 1000 meters has an area of 1 million square meters, which is 1 square kilometer, that is, 100 hectare. How to calculate 60000 hectare? Please explain the basic principle and its formula? What is the relationship between them? Is it multiplication or division? What is the progress rate between them?

1 sq km = 100 ha,
60000 ha = 60000 / 100 = 600 km2
Using Division