The base of the triangle is increased by 10% and the height is shortened by 10%. What percentage of the area of the triangle is now?

The base of the triangle is increased by 10% and the height is shortened by 10%. What percentage of the area of the triangle is now?

According to the area formula of triangle, let the bottom be a and the height be H. now the bottom and height of triangle are: bottom = a × (1 + 10%) = 1.1a, height = h × (1-10%), = 0.9h; now the area is: 1.1a × 0.9h △ 2 = 0.99ah0.99ah2, the original area is: S = ah2; so the current area is the original area of

The height of a triangle is constant, and its area is proportional to its bottom


The height of a triangle is fixed, its ground and area

Because half of the height (must) = area / bottom