The bottom of a triangle remains unchanged. After multiplying the height by 2, the area is 120 ordinary decimeters. What is the area of the original triangle

The bottom of a triangle remains unchanged. After multiplying the height by 2, the area is 120 ordinary decimeters. What is the area of the original triangle

The original area of the triangle is 60 decimeters;

The height of a parallelogram is 1. The bottom is one third less than the height. How many square meters is the area of the parallelogram

High is two-thirds
The bottom is two-thirds * three-thirds = 1
=1.5 square decimeter
=0.015 M2
Ensure accuracy

The height of a parallelogram is 15 decimeters, and the bottom is one third less than the height. The area of this parallelogram is () square decimeters

[reference answer]
Height: 15 × [1 - (1 / 3)] = 10 decimeters
Area: 10 × 15 = 150 square decimeters
A: the area is 150 square decimeters
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