How to calculate the land area

How to calculate the land area

Your problem is divided into two steps: first, calculate the area. Length by width (for example, 20 meters long, 18 meters wide, 20 * 18 = 360 square meters) to calculate the area. Second, each mu is 666.6667 square meters, that is to say, every 1000 square meters = 1.5 mu. Multiply the area you calculated in the first step by 0.0015 to get the actual mu

How to calculate land area with triangle formula?

First, divide into familiar images (triangles, rectangles, or graphs with curve equations)
Second, calculate the area of the divided image and add it up
Calculus, triangle area formula and rectangle area formula can be used, but the fundamental principle is to use rectangle area formula after division

What's the volume calculation formula of elliptical platform? The calculation is urgent

Top radius R1, bottom radius R2, height h
V = 1/3*h*π*(r2^2-r1^2)
It's the difference in volume between two cones
The calculation formula of round vertebral body is 1 / 3S * H