What is the unit of measurement of xuanmi? It's not brown rice! It's Sheldon's 4.6 hm2 / femtosecond hair growth rate

What is the unit of measurement of xuanmi? It's not brown rice! It's Sheldon's 4.6 hm2 / femtosecond hair growth rate

The smallest unit of length is nanometers Na: the abbreviation n is the abbreviation of nano, which is a unit of magnitude in English. It refers to 10 ^ (- 9), that is, one ninth power of 10. Therefore, nano is "one ninth power of 10" of 1 meter, that is, one billionth of a meter. But this is not the smallest unit of length at all

Unit of measurement conversion
Frequency 100GHz equals ()
A105MHz B 1011Hz C 100kMHz
D 10^-1THz E 105mHz
The answer is abd,

1G=1000M=1000 000K=10^9
So 100g = 10 ^ 11
And 100km = 100 * 10 ^ 3 * 10 ^ 6 = 10 ^ 11
So choose C

Conversion of measurement units
A kilo is equal to? A gram is equal to? Two
One kilogram is equal to one kilogram? What's the difference? two

One kilo is 500 grams, one gram is 0.02 Liang
One kilogram is 20 taels, one Jin is 10 taels