Less tons? There is a trapezoidal wheat field, with an upper bottom of 600 meters, a lower bottom of 800 meters and a height of 500 meters. A total of 4200 tons of wheat are harvested. How many hectares are there? How many tons of wheat are harvested per hectare?

Less tons? There is a trapezoidal wheat field, with an upper bottom of 600 meters, a lower bottom of 800 meters and a height of 500 meters. A total of 4200 tons of wheat are harvested. How many hectares are there? How many tons of wheat are harvested per hectare?

What is the area of the wheat field
(600 + 800) × 500 △ 2 = 350000 (M2) = 35 (HA)
Average wheat yield per hectare
4200 △ 35 = 120 (tons)

There is a trapezoidal wheat field with a top bottom of 100 meters, a bottom of 120 meters and a height of 60 meters. If 6000 kg wheat is harvested per hectare, how many kg wheat can be harvested in this wheat field?

(100 + 120) × 60 △ 2, = 220 × 30, = 6600 (M2), = 0.66 ha; 0.66 × 6000 = 3960 (kg); a: 3960 kg wheat can be harvested

A trapezoidal land is 110 meters long at the top and 190 meters long at the bottom, and 80 meters high. This land receives 7200 kg of wheat. How much is the local wheat per hectare on average?

(110 +190)×80÷2
=12000 square meters
=1.2 ha
7200 △ 1.2 = 6000 kg