If the tanker can carry 3.5t gasoline at most, how many tons of water can it carry at one time? (ρ gasoline = 0.75 × 103 kg / M) Mainly unit conversion~

If the tanker can carry 3.5t gasoline at most, how many tons of water can it carry at one time? (ρ gasoline = 0.75 × 103 kg / M) Mainly unit conversion~

M oil = 3.5t = 3.5 x 10 ^ 3kg
V = m oil / P oil = 3.5 x 10 ^ 3 / (0.75 x 10 ^ 3) = 4.67 m ^ 3
Then m water = P water v = 1 x 10 ^ 3 x 4.67 = 4.67 x 10 ^ 3 kg = 4.67t

The problem of equal quality: 1. Can a water truck that can hold up to 1 ton of water carry 1 ton of gasoline? 2. Three identical cups are filled with water of equal quality
Quality equality problem:
1. Can a water tanker that can hold up to one ton of water carry one ton of gasoline?
2. If three identical cups are respectively filled with water, kerosene and sulfuric acid of equal quality, the one with the highest liquid level is
3. If the mass of ore a and ore B is equal and the volume of ore a is twice that of ore B, then ore a = ore B
4. How big is a piece of ice with a volume of 100 cm3 melted into water?
5. All water of a certain mass solidifies into ice, and its volume is smaller than that of the original
All the ice of a certain mass melts into water, and its volume is smaller than that of the original ice
Volume equality problem:
1. A bottle can hold 1 kg of water. How many kg of alcohol can be held in this bottle?
2. The mass of an empty bottle is 300 g, and the total mass is 800 g when the bottle is filled with water. If the total mass of a liquid is 850 g when the bottle is filled with water, the volume of the bottle and the density of the liquid can be calculated
3. To process a kind of part in the factory, the wood mold of the part is made from wood. Now the mass of the wood mold is 560g. How many kilograms of metal is needed to make 20 such metal parts? (the density of the wood mold is 0.7 × 103kg / m3, and the density of the metal is 8.9 × 103kg / m3.)
4. A tractor needs 1.2g diesel oil to plough 1 m2 of land. If the fuel tank volume of the tractor is 250 liters, how many square meters of land can be ploughed with a full tank of diesel oil? (the density of diesel oil is 0.85 × 103kg / m3)
5. In order to reduce the weight of the aircraft, an engineer changed a steel part into an aluminum part to reduce its mass by 1.56kg. What is the mass of aluminum required? (the density of steel is 7.9 × 103kg / cm3, and that of aluminum is 2.7 × 103kg / cm3)
6. The total mass of a beaker filled with water is 350 g. when an alloy block is put into the beaker, part of the water overflows. At this time, the total mass is 500 g. when the alloy block is taken out, the mass of the beaker and water is 300 g. calculate the density of the alloy
7. The total weight of an empty bottle with a mass of 68g is 184g after it is filled with water. If a piece of metal with a mass of 37.3g is put in the bottle first, and then the bottle is filled with water with a total mass of 218g, the volume of the bottle is m3, and the amount of gold in the bottle is 218g
The density of the genus is kg / m3
8. Crows drink water
The problem of equal density:
1. The geologists have measured the volume of a boulder as 20m3. Now we have obtained a 20cm3 sample from the boulder, and the mass of the sample is 52g, so we can calculate the mass of the boulder

The Formula M = ρ V is equal to the mass problem 1. No, because the density of gasoline is smaller than that of water, the volume of gasoline is larger under the same mass by the Formula M = ρ v. the density of sulfuric acid > water > kerosene by the Formula M = ρ V, the volume of kerosene under the same mass is the largest, so the liquid level is the highest 3. M a = M B, V A = 2 * V B, then by the Formula M = ρ V, there is ρ a = 1 / 2 * ρ B

One liter of No. 93 gasoline weighs 725 grams, and a tanker can load 20500 liters of gasoline at a time. How many grams of No. 93 gasoline can these two tankers transport at a time?