A cylindrical tin bucket without a cover is 24 cm high, with a bottom diameter of 20 cm and a side joint of 2 cm. How many square centimeters is it less to make a bucket

A cylindrical tin bucket without a cover is 24 cm high, with a bottom diameter of 20 cm and a side joint of 2 cm. How many square centimeters is it less to make a bucket

Side area of cylinder: 3.14 × 20 × 24 = 1507.2 (square centimeter)
Area of interface: 2 × 24 = 48 (square centimeter)
Bottom area: 3.14 × (20 ÷ 2) &# 178; = 314 (square centimeter)
To make a bucket, it is necessary: 1507.2 + 48 + 314 = 1869.2 (square centimeter)