Calculate the area to make a round tin bucket without cover, with a bottom radius of 10 cm and a height of 3 cm. How many cm does it need at least?

Calculate the area to make a round tin bucket without cover, with a bottom radius of 10 cm and a height of 3 cm. How many cm does it need at least?

Base perimeter = 20 π cm, side area = 20 π × 3 = 60 π cm2, base area = π R & sup2; = π 10 & sup2; = 100 π cm2
So the total area is 160 π square centimeter ≈ 502.65 square centimeter

To make a cylindrical tin bucket without a cover, the bottom radius is 10 cm, which is half of the height. How many square centimeters of tin do you need to make a pair of such buckets

The radius of the bottom is 10 cm, which is half of the height, so the height is 20 cm
Side area of tin bucket = bottom perimeter * height = 2 π RH = 2 * 3.14 * 10 * 20 = 1256 square centimeter
Base area = π R & # 178; = 3.14 * 10 * 10 = 314cm2
A pair of such buckets = (1256 + 314) * 2 = 3140 square centimeters

The bottom area of a cylindrical bucket is 200 square centimeters, 60 centimeters high. It is filled with water, and the length of the edge is 10 cm
What's the depth of water in a square container?
2. The edge length of a cube iron block is 3 decimeters. Now cast the iron block into a cone with a bottom area of 10 square decimeters. What is the height of the cone?
3. The height of a cylinder is 10 cm. If its height increases by 2 cm, its surface area will increase by 25.12 square cm. What is the original volume of the cylinder in cubic cm?
4. The front wheel of the roller is cylindrical, with a width of 3 meters and a diameter of 2 meters. The front wheel rotates 20 cycles per minute. How many meters does it advance per minute? How many square meters does it roll per minute?

40 PI square centimeter is 125.6
40 π 120 π is 125.6376.8