A cylindrical bucket with a bottom radius of 10 cm holds water and submerges a cylindrical hammer with a bottom radius of 5 cm A cylindrical bucket with a bottom radius of 10 cm is filled with water. Immerse a conical hammer with a bottom radius of 5 cm in the water, and the water surface rises by 1 cm. How many cm is the height of the hammer Be specific about the formula and meaning

A cylindrical bucket with a bottom radius of 10 cm holds water and submerges a cylindrical hammer with a bottom radius of 5 cm A cylindrical bucket with a bottom radius of 10 cm is filled with water. Immerse a conical hammer with a bottom radius of 5 cm in the water, and the water surface rises by 1 cm. How many cm is the height of the hammer Be specific about the formula and meaning

What is the volume of a cone
10 × 10 × 3.14 × 1 = 314 (cm3)
What is the base area of the cone
5 × 5 × 3.14 = 78.5 (cm2)
What is the height of a cone
314 × 3 △ 78.5 = 12 (CM)