What is the greatest common factor of 0

What is the greatest common factor of 0

Not exactly

What is the definition of the greatest common factor?

Let f (x) and G (x) be two polynomials, if R (x) satisfies: R (x) is the common factor of F (x) and G (x);
Any common factor of F (x) and G (x) is the factor of R (x). Then R (x) is said to be the greatest common factor of F (x) and G (x)

Determine the common factors of the following Polynomials: (1) 2x2 + 6x3; (2) 5 (a-b) 3 + 10 (a-b)

2x^2 + 6x^3
5(a-b)^3 + 10(a-b)
=5(a-b)^2(a-b + 2)