5/6+1/6÷50% = = = 12%x=8.4 x+20%x=6 30+62.5%x=80 5x+25%x=1.05 The accuracy must be high

5/6+1/6÷50% = = = 12%x=8.4 x+20%x=6 30+62.5%x=80 5x+25%x=1.05 The accuracy must be high

Warm cherry
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Jiangsu Education Press 100 points breakthrough grade 6 Volume 2 mathematics final sprint simulation test paper (2)
After three fourths of the total number of apples sold by Hualian Supermarket during the "October 1st" period, another 120 kg of apples were transported. At this time, the total number of apples increased by 5%. How many grams of the original apples in the supermarket? (fast! It will be delivered tomorrow morning, fast!)

Set the original to X
The equation can be listed by the meaning of the problem
Finally, the solution is obtained
I have to read a good book

Number one: 36
Player 2 scored 64
Player 3 scores: 16
(10 points will be added for one correct question and 6 points will be deducted for one wrong question)
(1) No.2 raced to answer 8 questions and got 64 points. How many questions did she answer correctly?
(2) No. 1 raced to answer 10 questions and scored 36 points. How many questions did he answer wrong?
(3) No. 3 raced to answer 16 questions and scored 16 points. How many questions did he answer correctly?
Solving Euler equations
You have to solve it with equations

Suppose player 2 answers question x correctly
So player 2 got 7 right
(2) Suppose you answer question x correctly
So number one got four wrong answers
(3) Suppose the answer is correct
So number three got seven right

1. The ratio of a and B is 9:8. If B increases by 34, the quotient of a divided by B is 10 / 7, and a is ()?
2. The average number of a, B and C is 19. The ratio of a to B is 3:2. The ratio of B to C is 3:2. What are the numbers of a, B and C?
If there are top students in the new classroom, 38 page answers can be added points!

1. The ratio of a and B is 9:8. If B increases by 34, the quotient of a divided by B is 10 / 7, and a is ()?
Solution: let a be X
The solution is: x = 180
2. The average number of a, B and C is 19. The ratio of a to B is 3:2. The ratio of B to C is 3:2. What are the numbers of a, B and C?
Solution: A: B = 3:2 = 9:6
B: propane = 3:2 = 6:4
So: A: B: C = 9:6:4
A = 3 * 19 * (9 / 9 + 6 + 4) = 3 * 9 = 27
B = 3 * 19 * 6 / 19 = 18
C = 3 * 19 * 4 / 19 = 12