Among the numbers, after decomposing the prime factor, the number containing only the prime factor 3 is

Among the numbers, after decomposing the prime factor, the number containing only the prime factor 3 is

Among the numbers, after decomposing the prime factor, the number containing only the prime factor 3 is (81)
12 also contains the quality factor: 2
15. 105 also contains a quality factor of 5
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Decompose 45 and 60 into prime factors, and point out which prime factors 45 and 60 have the same

45 and 60 have the same quality factors of 3 and 5

The prime number of 12 is (), where the prime factor is (); the prime factor of 54 is ()

The factors of 12 are (1,2,3,4,6,12), of which the prime factor is (2,3); the prime factor of 54 is (54 = 2 × 3 × 3)