(1) What is the product of the reciprocal of 2 / 3 and the reciprocal of 4? (2) the reciprocal of a number is 9 / 8, what is the product of 3 / 4 of this number?

(1) What is the product of the reciprocal of 2 / 3 and the reciprocal of 4? (2) the reciprocal of a number is 9 / 8, what is the product of 3 / 4 of this number?

One sixth. Two thirds

A math problem: the product of the reciprocal of two numbers is 12.5, and the difference is 2.5. Find the two numbers


The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 50 / 7. What is the product of the two numbers?

The product of these two numbers is 1. If two numbers are reciprocal, then their product is 1
The number is 7 or one in seven: 7 + 1 / 7 = 50 / 7

The product of a number and its reciprocal plus a results in 4 * 1 / 2. What is the reciprocal of a?


Multiply the reciprocal of 9 / 5 by 5


Given that m and N are reciprocal to each other, what is m / 5 × n / 9

M/5 * N/9 = MN/45=1/45
Because m and N are reciprocal, Mn = 1

If a and B are reciprocal to each other, a and B are proportional; if a equals B out of 9
If a and B are reciprocal, a and B are in proportion; if a is equal to 9 / B, then a and B are in proportion

If a and B are reciprocal, a and B are in inverse proportion; if a is equal to 9 / B, then a and B are in positive proportion

The sum of the reciprocal of the smallest prime number and the reciprocal of the smallest composite number is []

Two numbers whose product is 1 are reciprocal to each other,
The smallest prime number is 2,
The smallest sum is 4,
Their reciprocal sum is 1 / 2 + 1 / 4 = 3 / 4
Prime number is also called prime number. It refers to the number in a natural number greater than 1 which can not be divided by other natural numbers except 1 and the integer itself
Composite number: a number that can be divided by other factors besides 1 and itself is called composite number

What is the product of the reciprocal of the minimum prime number and the reciprocal of the minimum composite number?

Minimum prime 2
Minimum sum 4

The product of prime numbers within 10 is______ .

The prime numbers within 10 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, then: 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 = 210; so the answer is: 210