If a product of a number and its reciprocal A is equal to 2 / 13, what is the value of a? It's not a, it's a times

If a product of a number and its reciprocal A is equal to 2 / 13, what is the value of a? It's not a, it's a times

Because the product of a number and the reciprocal is 1

What is the product of the inverse of 13 and the reciprocal of 113______ .

The reciprocal of 113 is 34, so - 13 × 34 = - 14

-What is the product of the reciprocal of 1 and 2 / 3 and the inverse of 1 / 4?


What is the product of the reciprocal of minus 3 / 4 and the opposite of 3?


If the reciprocal of 3a and 2a-9 are opposite, what is a

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If the reciprocal of 3 / A and 2a-9 / 3 are opposite to each other, then the value of a is
A.3/2 B.-3/2 C.3 D-3

Choose C
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If the reciprocal of 3a and 2A − 93 are opposite to each other, then a=______ .

According to the meaning of the question: A3 + 2A − 93 = 0, to the denominator: a + 2a-9 = 0, to shift the merger: 3A = 9, solution: a = 3, so the answer is: 3

If the reciprocal of 3a and 2A − 93 are opposite to each other, then a=______ .

According to the meaning of the question: A3 + 2A − 93 = 0, to the denominator: a + 2a-9 = 0, to shift the merger: 3A = 9, solution: a = 3, so the answer is: 3

Given that the reciprocal of 3 / A and 2A + 9 / 3 are opposite to each other, find the value of - A-1

In this paper, we infer the value of a from the previous sentence, and then substitute - A-1 to evaluate the reciprocal of the product of 1, so the reciprocal of 3 / A is that a / 3 is the opposite of each other, and the two numbers are added to get 0. A / 3 and 2A + 9 / 3 are opposite to each other, so a / 3 & nbsp; + & nbsp; 2A + 9 / 3 & nbsp; = & nbsp; 0 denominator remains unchanged, and the numerator is added, that is 3A + 9 / 3 & nbsp; =

Given that the reciprocal of 3 / A and 2a-9 / 3 are opposite to each other, find the value of A

The reciprocal of 3 / 3 of a: a of 3 is opposite to each other: (a of 3) = (2a-9 of 3) the solution is a = 3,