How to solve the equation x & # 179; - X & # 178; - 2x = 0

How to solve the equation x & # 179; - X & # 178; - 2x = 0




The integer solution of the equation x & # 179; + 2x & # 178; y = 2009 is

So x ^ 2 | 2009
So x ^ 2 = 1
If x = 1, then y = 1004
If x = - 1, then y = 1005

What is the coefficient of the square of minus five times X and the square of Y?

The coefficient of the square of negative quintile X and the square of Y is - 1 / 5

Coefficient of cubic / 3 of square BC of negative a

The coefficient is - 1 / 3

What is the degree of the second power YZ of 3x?

4 times = 2 + 1 + 1

X & sup2; YZ & sup3; (quadratic power of X, cubic power of YZ)
What is the number of times in X & sup2; YZ & sup3?
Is X & sup2; YZ & sup3; exponentially multiplied or added? (2 + 1 + 3, or 2 × 1 × 3)

Add, 6

Calculate (- X's square + 3xy-4y's Square) - 3 (2xy-3y's Square)
How to calculate?

The original formula = - x square + 3xy-4y square - 6xy + 9y square
=-The square of X - 3xy + 5Y

Square of (x + 2) + 1y + 11 = 0 find the value of the square of (x-2xy + y) - 2 * (x-3xy + 4Y) + 8y


(2x's power y + XY's power) - 6x's power y-3xy's power)

(quadratic power of 2x, quadratic power of Y + XY) - (quadratic power of 6x, quadratic power of y-3xy)
=The power of 2x is the power of Y + XY - the power of 6x is the power of Y + 3xy
=The power of 4xy - the power of 3x y