Factorization: power 2 of 4 (a-b) - power 2 of 9 (2a + b)

Factorization: power 2 of 4 (a-b) - power 2 of 9 (2a + b)

What's the 888th power of 3

In this way, let's first find out if there is a rule that the first power of 3 is 3, the second power of 3 is 9, the third power of 3 is 7, the fourth power of 3 is 1, and the fifth power of 3 is 3, If the number of single digits from the 1st power of 3 to the 5th power of 3 is cycled once, and the cycle is 4 power, then the number of single digits from the 888th power of 3 is cycled 888g4 = 222 cycles. If the number of single digits from the 885th power of 3 is cycled to the 1st power, then the number of single digits from the 888th power of 3 is the same as that from the 4th power of 3, which is 1

What is the mantissa of 4 to the 777th power

The mantissa of 4 to the 777th power is 4
4 ^ 1 mantissa is 4
4 ^ 2 mantissa is 6
4 ^ 3 mantissa is 4
4 ^ 4 mantissa is 6
The law is even, the square is 6 and the odd is 4