A mathematical problem: finding the derivative function of y = LNX Such as the title

A mathematical problem: finding the derivative function of y = LNX Such as the title


(1) If a straight line bisects the right angle formed by the positive half axis and the negative half axis of the x-axis in the plane rectangular coordinate system, the analytical expression of the straight line is_______ Is the analytic expression y = x + 2 correct
(2) If the area of right angle trapezoid enclosed by y = x + K, x = 1, x = 4 and X axis is equal to 9, then the value of K is equal to?
My analysis: let the upper bottom of trapezoid be x, then the lower bottom is 6-x
Because y = x + K passes through (1, x) and (4,6-x)
It can be found that k = 1 / 2
Do I do the above two questions right?
If wrong, please point out the mistake and make reasonable modification

1: The right angle formed by the positive half axis and the negative half axis of the x-axis? It seems not quite right! If the original question is the right angle formed by the positive half axis of the x-axis and the negative half axis of the y-axis, it should be y = - x 2: your answer is wrong, y = x + K, the slope is greater than one, then it must pass through one or three quadrants, when x = 1, y = K + 1, x = 4, y = K + 4, but it can be in y

On functions
1. Given that point B (4,2) is on the image of y = 2x + B, try to judge whether point C (5,3) is on the image
2. Given the point a (a + 2,1-a) on the image of function y = 2x + 1, find the value of A
(steps needed)

So it's not here

SiNx = - 1 / 4, X belongs to (Wu, 3 Wu / 2), then x =?, why arcsin1 / 4 + Wu, how does Jiawu come from
Set 0

Because the range of arcsinx is [- π / 2, π / 2], so SiNx = - 1 / 4. When x is in the range of [- π / 2, π / 2], we can directly get x = arcsin (- 1 / 4). Now the title says that x belongs to (π, 3 π / 2), so π - x is [- π / 2,0] is the value in this interval, sin (x) = sin (π - x) = - 1 / 4 π

Ask a mathematical problem of function
The ratio of - 0.1 power of 0.8 and 0.2 power of 1.25

8 = 1.25 to the - 1 power,
So - 0.1 power of 0.8 = 0.1 power of 1.25 < 0.2 power of 1.25

As shown in the figure, the thermometer shows the scale of centigrade (℃) and Fahrenheit (℃). Can we use a functional expression to express the relationship between centigrade temperature y (℃) and Fahrenheit temperature x (℃)? If the temperature is 32 ℃, what is the equivalent of Fahrenheit?
It's time to go today's homework
There are three ways

So y = x / 1.8-32 / 1.8
Then x = 32 * 1.8 + 32 = 89.6f

Given that the function f (x) = X3 + mx2-m2x + 1 (M is a constant and M & gt; 0) has a maximum value of 9, find the value of M

If f ′ (x) = 3x2 + 2mx-m2 = (x + m) (3x-m) = 0, then x = - m or x = 13m. When x changes, the changes of F ′ (x) and f (x) are as follows: X (- ∞, - M) - M (- m, 13m) 13m (13m, + ∞) f ′ (x) + 0 - 0 + F & nbsp; (x) Thus, when x = - m, the function f (x) has a maximum value of 9, that is, f (- M) = - m3 + m3 + m3 + 1 = 9, M = 2

How to solve x < 1
Let f (x) = 2 ^ x (x ≤ 0) f (x) = log2x (logarithm of base x with 2) {these two are equations}
(x > 0), then f [f (1 / 2)] =?

1. Because it is in the root sign, so 0 ≤ x, and 0 ≤ √ x < 1, both sides of the square, have 0 ≤ x0, bring in F (x) = log2x f (1 / 2) = - 1

-- of functions
1. With the advent of the network era, many families have access to the network. The Telecommunications Bureau has stipulated two charging methods for dial-up access. Users can choose one of them
A: Time system: 0.05 yuan / share
B: Full month system: 54 yuan / month (limited to one personal residential telephone network), in addition, communication fee of 0.02 yuan / minute will be charged for mode B
(1) The time of a user's surfing the Internet in a month is x hours, and the two kinds of charges are Y1 (yuan) and Y2 (yuan), respectively
(2) Under the condition of the same online time, please help the user choose which way to save money?
2. The graph of a function is known to pass through (3,5), (- 4, - 9) two points
(1) Find the analytic expression of this function
(2) If the point (a, 2) is on the function image, find the value of A

1(1)y1=3x y2=1.2x+54
(2) When Y1 = Y2, that is 3x = 12.2x + 54, x = 30
When x > 30, scheme B is more economical. When x < 30, scheme a is more economical. When x = 30, the cost is the same
2 (1) let the analytic formula of a function be y = KX + B, and (3,5), (- 4, - 9) be two points
The solution of 5 = 3K + B - 9 = - 4K + B is b = - 1, k = 2. The analytic expression of the function is y = 2x-1
(2) When y = 2, the equation 2x-1 = 2 and the solution a = 1.5 are obtained
(junior high school mathematics teacher I understand, yes, give me points. You should study hard yourself.)

Given that the value of the algebraic formula 2 (X & sup2; + ax + y) - 2 (BX & sup2; + 3x) - 5y-1 has nothing to do with the value of the letter X, find the value of 2 (A & sup3; - 2b & sup2; - 1) - 3 (a & sup3; - 2b & sup2; - 1)

Because the above values have nothing to do with X, the coefficients of the quadratic and primary terms of X are both 0 after merging the similar terms, that is, 2-2b = 0, 2a-6 = 0. Then we can get b = 1, a = 3. We can get them from the following formula