The third power of the square of (- a) divided by the square of (- a)

The third power of the square of (- a) divided by the square of (- a)

The third power of the square of (- a) divided by the square of (- a)
=-The sixth power of a divided by the square of a
=-The fourth power of a

What is the tenth power of a divided by the second power of a

I don't know what you have written, but the equation is not very clear. But the general idea is that the product of a power of 10 multiplied by B power of 10 = the (a + b) power of 10, a + B is the sum of two parts = - (B of a) a and B in B of a are the first and second terms of the equation, and AB in coefficient of 10 is the sum of two parts

(1) If Y1 = X-1, y2 = 2x + 1, and y1-3y2 = 0, then x=___ y1+y2=____
(2) When a=___ b=___ The equation AX + 1 = X-B has a unique solution when a=____ ,b=____ Is there a solution to the equation AX + 1 = X-B=___ ,b=___ The equation AX + 1 = X-B has infinite solutions?

(2) A = 2, B = 1, with unique solution (the value of a and B is not unique);
A = 1, B = 1, no solution (the value of B is not unique);
A = 2, B = - 1, there are infinite solutions (the value of a is not unique)