Within 100, it is a multiple of 3 and the largest odd number of 5______ The maximum even number is______ .

Within 100, it is a multiple of 3 and the largest odd number of 5______ The maximum even number is______ .

According to the characteristics of being multiples of 3 and 5 at the same time, we can know that within 100, there are both multiples of 3 and factors. The maximum odd number of 5 is 75, and the maximum even number is 90

It's a two digit number, it's an odd number, it's a multiple of five, the sum of all the factors is 48, what's the number


It's an odd number. The sum of all the factors is 48. It's a multiple of 5. It's a two digit number

It's an odd number. The sum of all the factors is 48. It's a multiple of 5. It's a two digit number
[solution ideas and methods:]
∵ is an odd number and a multiple of 5
The mantissa is 5
∵ the sum of all the factors is 48, because its factors must have 1 and itself (mantissa is 5), and 5, the sum of the three mantissa is 1
Another factor corresponding to 5 is: the mantissa of 48 is 8, and then subtract 1 to get 7
The number should be 5 * 7 = 35
The sum of 35 factors is 1 + 5 + 7 + 35 = 48