Seek: is a two digit number, is a multiple of 5, is an odd number, the sum of all factors is 48

Seek: is a two digit number, is a multiple of 5, is an odd number, the sum of all factors is 48

Here's how to do it
Let the number be 5x,
Then its factors are: 1,5, x, 5x
So 1 + 5 + X + 5x = 48
So x = 7
Then 5x = 35
So the two digits are 35

A number is an odd number, a multiple of 5, a two digit number, and the sum of all factors is 48
Come on, come on, give me another 10 points


A number that meets four requirements at the same time (). Is an odd number. The sum of all factors is 48, a multiple of 5, and a two digit number

35=1×5×7×35 1+5+7+35=48