A digit is both a composite number and an even number. Its factors include 3 and 5. What is the minimum number?

A digit is both a composite number and an even number. Its factors include 3 and 5. What is the minimum number?


A three digit number is a multiple of 3, an even number, and a factor of 7. What is the minimum number

A three digit number is a multiple of 3, an even number, and a factor of 7, so this number is a multiple of 42, so the minimum three digit number is 126

A three digit number is the smallest even number in the hundreds and the smallest composite number in the tens. This number is a multiple of 5 and a factor of 2. This is a three digit number

A three digit number is the smallest even number in the hundreds and the smallest composite number in the tens. This number is a multiple of 5 and a factor of 2. This three digit number is 240