The least common multiple of 33 and 17 quick!quick!please!

The least common multiple of 33 and 17 quick!quick!please!

five hundred and sixty-one

The least common multiple of 17,19,23,33
hurry up

The original number group is:
The least common multiple of this group of numbers is 245157
The greatest common divisor is: 1

The least common multiple of 23 and 13

The least common multiple of 23 and 13 is 23 × 13 = 299

A number minus 8, plus 10, and then divided by 7, multiplied by 4, the result is 56, and this number is

Let this number be x, then we have:
The solution is x = 96

Sixty days of guessing riddles

Explanation: 60 days = two months = months = friends~

Find a number that can be square down by one can also be square down!

Is an integer squared?
x+1 = a*a
x = b*b
Subtraction of two formulas
(A+b)(a-b) = 1
When a = 1 and B = 0~
So the number is 1

Look up at ten mouths and type one word. Look down at eight mouths and type one word

Look at ten mouths and type one word
Look at the eight mouths and type one word

One word, two mouths, and a dog underneath


Five words six words seven words ten words

Five people: I
Liu Kou: Jing
Qikou: Chih
Shikou: Gu, Tian, ye

Add one to the left and subtract one from the right______ .

If you add one to the left and subtract one from the right, the word is "Ren"