Two coprime numbers whose greatest common divisor is 1 and least common multiple is () Large numbers are multiples of decimals, their greatest common divisor is (), and their least common multiple is ()

Two coprime numbers whose greatest common divisor is 1 and least common multiple is () Large numbers are multiples of decimals, their greatest common divisor is (), and their least common multiple is ()

Two coprime numbers whose greatest common divisor is 1 and least common multiple is (their product)
Large numbers are multiples of decimals, their greatest common divisor is (decimal), and their least common multiple is (large)

Given the coprime of α and 12, their greatest common divisor is______ The least common multiple is______ .

According to the concept of Coprime number, the greatest common divisor of a and 12 is 1, and the least common multiple is 12a

A and B are coprime, and their least common multiple is () times of their greatest common factor
A. abB. aC. bD. 1

Because α and B are coprime, their greatest common factor is 1, and their least common multiple is their product AB, so a and B are coprime, and their least common multiple is: ab △ 1 = AB times of their greatest common factor