Permutation problem, master please! Online 0-9 combined into 5 digits, how many? Thank you~~~~~ 0123456789 these ten numbers, combined into five digits, there are repeated count 1, such as 12345 or 54321 or 25314, etc., such as the same count 1, that is to say, do not count according to the arrangement. If such conditions, how many combinations in total? Thank you! Drbtly, how do you calculate your 10080? 252 of desert island 840611 is definitely wrong I'm 2000 myself. Can I give you more answers? Back to 517290352: at the beginning of the question, my condition is that "12345 or 54321 or 25314 and so on are all equal to one, that is to say, they do not need to be calculated according to the arrangement". Although 12345 and 54321 are two five digit numbers, are they all composed of 12345, regardless of the order of arrangement, they can be regarded as one, All count as one~~

Permutation problem, master please! Online 0-9 combined into 5 digits, how many? Thank you~~~~~ 0123456789 these ten numbers, combined into five digits, there are repeated count 1, such as 12345 or 54321 or 25314, etc., such as the same count 1, that is to say, do not count according to the arrangement. If such conditions, how many combinations in total? Thank you! Drbtly, how do you calculate your 10080? 252 of desert island 840611 is definitely wrong I'm 2000 myself. Can I give you more answers? Back to 517290352: at the beginning of the question, my condition is that "12345 or 54321 or 25314 and so on are all equal to one, that is to say, they do not need to be calculated according to the arrangement". Although 12345 and 54321 are two five digit numbers, are they all composed of 12345, regardless of the order of arrangement, they can be regarded as one, All count as one~~

Because the first number can't be zero, first select the first number, namely C (9,1), and the second number can be zero, so the second number is also selected by C (8,1) C (7,1) C (6,1) after C (9,1), and finally multiply them to get 9 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 = 27216
Is your question wrong, 1234554321? It's two five digits
If the problem is right, the desert island 840611 is right

Permutation and combination: there are two digital cards from 0 to 9. How many 5-digit numbers can you place with these cards?
Two clubs a, two hearts 2, two spades 3, two diamonds 4
There are only two numbers for each. You can put a 44444 to have a look.
Back to Jinlong qsz: suppose 10000 is 1, 1000 is 0, there are still 10 choices when it comes to 100. Similarly, as long as the first two are not the same number, there are still 10 choices for the 100. That is, as long as a card is not used up, there are 10 choices.

First of all, we don't consider the case that 0 is in the first place. 1. When there is no repeated number: a (10,5) = 302402. There is a repeated number: C (10,4) [select 4 numbers first] * C (4,1) [select a repeated number] * 5! [5 numbers in full arrangement] / 2! [two identical numbers are considered the same by exchange] = 504003. There are two repeated numbers: C (10,3) * C (3

How many kinds of 6-digit permutations are there between 0 and 9

There are 151200 sequential arrangement methods
There are 210 non sequential combination methods: 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 △ 6 △ 5 △ 4 △ 3 △ 2