Use the six numbers 123456 to form a triangle so that each side is equal to 10

Use the six numbers 123456 to form a triangle so that each side is equal to 10

Equilateral triangle, let each side equal to 10, at least the circumference is 30, you here 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21, impossible

Fill in 123456 on the three sides of the triangle to make the sum of each side of the triangle equal

There are 123456 six numbers randomly arranged into a triangular number matrix. Let AK be the maximum number of the k-th row from bottom to top, and it is at the last position of the k-th row
Find A1

A3 is the largest. Then A3 can only be 6
1 to 5 to the next two lines
The minimum value of A1 can only be 3. Then A2 can only be 5. Because it is not true when it is 4
So you can see. The remaining four blanks can be filled in any way. Calculate the probability. You should know it